Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here comes Hurricane Gustav

Well, here it comes; I guess things were getting too near to normal. Much of the Gulf- coast storm damage from Katrina and Rita has been handled. My recent disasters are mostly under control. Hunting season is coming soon, and I've been trying to start preparations for that shining time of my year... time, now, for archery practice, scouting, trail maintenance. The water courses and fish populations have nearly recovered from those other hurricanes, so I've been wanting to get away to the bayous, beaches, and rivers for some late summer fishing, too. It looks like it ain't gonna happen. Gustav is coming! And it looks like I will get hammered with that nasty northeast quadrant of the storm. But I've prepared for the storm as best I can, and we will fare OK. An outdoor/ camping lifestyle helps, when the city- living infrastructure collapses. It merely becomes inconvenient... gotta do without internet.