Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Red Stick Flyfishers Conclave

The annual Red Stick Day event will take place Saturday, March 3, 2007. Details are available at this LINK. As always, there will be presentations, demonstrations, food, displays, and raffles. Especially raffles! There's marvelous stuff given away in the raffles. Attendance is free and open to the public; come and join us. And work won't interfere with my attendance this year, as it frequently has in the past.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Coming soon to a heaven near you: look up

A lunar eclipse is coming our way March 3rd, and the weather is forecast to cooperate. Time of day is going to be convenient, too: right at sunset. I found a link to a Lunar Eclipse Computer and figured the Baton Rouge event time to be 18:03 CST; that's 6 pm in my world. Apparently, the moon will rise already in eclipse, as the sun is setting. Y'all find a view of the horizon at sundown, face away from the sun, and share the fun.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Time to do some serious camping and fishing

I'm winding down the hunting season but spring is on the way. I posted some ramblings about that on my Trail Journal. Now, I'm tidying- up things in the woods, preparing the garden, and getting things ready for camping and fishing. Our flyfishing club is revved up about the annual conclave; you can check out the details at www.rsff.org.