Friday, September 29, 2006

I really did it!

Well, I retired today at 6:00 pm and I haven't stopped since. Oh boy, do I have a list of stuff to catch up on. Hopefully, I will get things squared away tomorrow, and have some "quality time" in the woods on Sunday.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Plantations of Antebellum Louisiana

Coming soon! Louisiana planters, their employees and properties will be reviewed here, to aid the study and understanding of the plantation system and to assist other researchers in their quest for discovering family roots on Louisiana plantations. This will be a long- term research project; view it as a work- in- progress. Watch for the link to be placed in the sidebar soon. Visit often to check whether aspects of your own genealogy and family history research have been added to these records.

Larry's genealogy page

I have long been interested in genealogy and family history, what life was like and where did we come from. Having worked in this field for some years, now, I will share findings and speculations on my own family and tips and suggestions for other researchers.

CampDaddy’s recipes, tips, and tricks

This page features the logistic support for treks in the outdoors. Camp cooking is always interesting and challenging; outdoor exertions force a lot of emphasis on food. Technology is constantly advancing and changing the look and performance of outdoor gear. I have always been a believer in appropriate technology, as opposed to high- tech, yet I have appraised and sometimes followed those innovations in equipment. Some of those advances have carried me full- circle, however, and I have arrived back at the level of my college days, or even my Boy Scout days.

Bud Forester’s Trail Journal

Visit my trail journal page just for fun, it's a personal log of my rambles. These tales of my good times are mostly outdoor adventures, the beauty I encounter, my wonder at nature, and a sprinkling of my further aspirations. Bear in mind that muddy trails can mean an adventuresome hike, especially when the slope is steep. Take no glum view when there are failings and frustrations; those, too, are part of the natural order of things

Monday, September 11, 2006

A sad and fateful date

I sat in my truck this morning, listening to the radio news about memorials and President Bush visiting New York. It was five years ago, same truck, same radio station, same parking place. The news flash that a plane had struck a building gave a gut- wrenching sadness. What a terrible accident! Then came word that they spotted another plane! I knew at that point that it was no accident. This morning I re- lived that overwhelming sense of grief and helplessness and anger and defiance. I won't ever forget; don't know yet, whether I can ever understand or forgive.

Friday, September 08, 2006

New Blog coming online!

OK boys and girls, I'm setting up a new blog as my home page. I will link into my other blogs from this central site. Watch for the links to my trail journal, camp cooking and techniques, and genealogy Blogs.